Friday, September 11, 2009

Git is written in a tricky language

Junio C Hamano has blogged a little about his new Git book.

Unfortunately for me the post, and the book I believe, is in Japanese, but thankfully Google translate is to hand...

From the 'Page and the fact that so much' we glean that it features:-
  • Chapter 9. Chasing history
  • Before the index, Linus in You "Preface" to wear in bilingual Eiwa.
  • data representing the SHA-1 and its contents stored in the object name with a hash Trout
  • omitting the second section and said some of Ming
  • This is before "Linus ultimate content tracking you"
  • and remember, just waiting to see happy instead.
Despite all that, the Engl-ish text is surprisingly readable. I think.

I do hope the Hash Trout (recipe?) makes an appearance in any English edition.


AIX System Resource Controller - the missing command

A striking omission from the set of mksys, chssys, rmsys, lssrc, startsrc, stopsrc etc is a simple way to see the current configuration of a subsystem (for verification, cloning a setup to another machine etc).

Call it catsys or catsrc or something like that...

if [ $# != 0 ] ; then
if [ "$1" == "-s" ] ; then
odmget -q subsysname=$1 SRCsubsys
echo Usage: `basename $0` [-s] {subsystemname}

Kudos to Leon Towns-von Stauber
